About Us

What is Monevium?

Monevium Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales under company number 10251711, and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Firm Reference number 766038.

Our mission

Take control over your money. Monevium offers a modern, secure, straightforward and convenient way to manage your finances. Our innovative banking solution enables you to send and receive SEPA payment in a safe and efficient manner. With a Monevium EUR IBAN, you can receive and send funds worldwide, and transfer funds between Monevium customers.

Monevium Vs. Banks

Unlike banks, Monevium does not re-invest customer funds and protect and safeguards your funds by keeping all the customer money separate to its own company finances.

Also, unlike a traditional bank, anyone over the age of 18 living in the European Economic Area  can open a Monevium IBAN account, regardless of citizenship or financial history, without any lengthy credit checks. A personal Monevium account can be opened within minutes and is totally free to open and maintain.


Two-factor authentication, 3D-Secure and many other security features are standard with Monevium, ensuring the safety of your funds and giving you peace of mind.

Round-the-clock support

Highly professional and attentive customer service specialists will answer any and all your questions via chat or e-mail [email protected].