Check balance and transactions
You can view and download all payment history
Open a Euro IBAN current account in just a few minutes to receive and send funds in an easy and efficient way.
Transfer funds and check your transaction history in just a few clicks with the Monevium app.
Download your monthly statements with ease.
Use Monevium account with low transaction fees.
Receive notifications about your Monevium account activity immediately.
Manage your account from the mobile app web.
Open a European IBAN account for personal or business needs in just a few clicks and send or receive funds within EU/EEA countries easily.
Transfer funds between Monevium accounts for free, unlimited and instantly.
Access your account details anytime from either your web or mobile application
Complete management of your entire account, from one app. Monevium gives you the control, so you can:
You can view and download all payment history
Manage your account settings at any time
Send and receive funds in a fast, easy and efficient way